You are my sunshine lyrics
You are my sunshine lyrics

you are my sunshine lyrics

They’ve simply lived with it from the time they developed a memory," (Deusner, 2013). one of the most commercially programmed numbers in American popular music." He also writes: " You Are My Sunshine is so deeply embedded in the popular culture that most people can’t even remember when they first heard it. Stephen Deusner (2013) reports on that the song may have been "the most ubiquitous piece of music of the 20th century.

you are my sunshine lyrics

It was then covered by a plethora of well-known singers in their era, such as Gene Autry, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, Nat King Cole, and more. The popular country song was released in 1939, and written by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell, which makes sense as to why so many older adults are familiar with it. It's also interesting to note that You Are My Sunshine spans generations and generations - it could be just as effective with a 100-year-old Alzheimer's patient and with a 3-year-old on the autistic spectrum. Maybe it's the simplicity, familiarity, or the positive lyrics and upbeat melody (though, the only "positive" lyrics are only really in the chorus that we all know). But the question still remains: why is this song so effective? I've only been in the field for about 2 years, but I've already witnessed the extraordinary things that this one song can do for our current older population for example: patients with severe Alzheimer's who are unable to do any ADLs (activities of daily living) and appear to be unresponsive to all stimuli are able to sing along, their eyes lighting up, fingers or toes tapping along to the beat. Now of course, I don't sing it without reason I've found it to be effective in engaging groups/encouraging participation, helping with mood, and of course, reminiscence (or if my clients specifically request it). As much as music therapists grow tired of singing or hearing the song, we can't deny its effectiveness - IT'S A MAGICAL SONG! Various studies (I have listed the ones I read at the end of this post, if you're interested) have found that You Are My Sunshine is among the most popular songs used in music therapy sessions with older adults and with dementia. Working in a predominantly geriatric setting, I sing this song at least once a day, if not almost every session.

You are my sunshine lyrics