Hyperspaces in the garden of eden
Hyperspaces in the garden of eden

It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.” (Genesis 3:17-18) Not only were our first parents cursed because of their sin, but the ground and the animals were cursed as well.ĭid the once predatory animals continue to eat only plants? Is that why Noah was able to take two of every “kind” on board the Ark? Two of every “kind” does not mean two of every species. “Cursed is the ground because of you: through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.

hyperspaces in the garden of eden

When sin entered the Garden due to Adam and Eve’s disobedience, God cursed them and banished them from the Garden into the unfinished earth. Therefore, Adam was able to communicate with all the animals and name them (Genesis 2:19-20).

hyperspaces in the garden of eden

God had temporarily switched off the cat’s predatory nature. For example, the powerful jaws of the large cats, once used for killing prey, may have been used to open large, hard plant seeds. However, when God created Adam, He placed him in an idyllic Garden where all animals, some that had previously eaten meat, now ate only plants. Carnivores, such as the big cats, killed the herbivores (the plant eaters) for food. When these animals were on the earth, there was much carnage. For example, the dinosaur, the saber tooth tiger and other saber toothed cats, as well as the mastodons (relatives of the elephant) have been extinct, according to scientists, at least 10,000 years. It is interesting to note that during both the fifth and sixth “days” God created many creatures, some of which became extinct prior to the creation of man, who, according to biblical chronology, was created approximately 6,000 years ago. And God said, “And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground- everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food.

hyperspaces in the garden of eden

At the end of the sixth day God created man (Genesis 1:27). On the sixth “day” of creation, which may well have lasted many thousands of years, God created livestock, “creatures that move along the ground,” and wild animals, each according to its kind (Genesis 1:24-25). If you every manage to make your way out to this corner of Turkey, I also recommend a few more places not far away.If the Garden was a peaceful place with no death, would animals such as lions, that need to kill other animals in order to survive, exist in Eden? I just wanted to share a little sight-seeing nugget in Turkey that is hardly mentioned. I’m sure others have strong opinions about it. To be honest though, I don’t think she would have posed for such a picture.Īgain, there is no certainty if this was the real Garden of Eden. If there were roads leading to the center of the crater, I most certainly would have taken a picture of my wife picking some fruit from a tree “in the middle of the garden”. This is probably one of the most adventurous driving trips we have ever done.

hyperspaces in the garden of eden

In fact this one was discovered just recently. The location of Havilah is unknown, but it is noteworthy that the region above this location has major gold deposits. Genesis 2:11 says that the Pishon river which issued from the Garden encircled the land of Havilah. The location of two of the rivers is unknown, but the Tigris and Eurphrates have their origins in this region.

  • The rivers mentioned in Genesis have their origin in this vicinity.
  • This location definitely fits that description as has been explained. As Insight on the scriptures says, there seemed to have been a natural barrier around the garden.

    Hyperspaces in the garden of eden